An op-ed I wrote for some local papers.
Marbletown will consider a ban on plastic bags in June.
The need is clear. When well-intentioned people recycle plastic bags along with other plastics, the bags snag on recycling equipment. Then the system must stop periodically and bags are removed by hand. Bags also clog storm drains and sewage systems, where they must be manually removed before they cause backups and flooding.
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International Bag Reduction Movement:
An international movement to ban single use plastic bags has been gathering momentum. Bangladesh passed the first country-wide bag ban in 2002. Laws are in place in China, Ireland, Wales, Italy, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Rwanda, South Africa, Pakistan, and the Philippines. In the US, bag laws are widespread among cities, towns, and counties.
In New York State, 12 municipalities have adopted bag bans, including the Village of New Paltz in 2014. Four municipalities, including New York City, have introduced bag fees. In February, NYC’s law was suspended by the New York State legislature in response to plastics industry lobbying.
New York State Task Force
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With lobbyists like Rosen on the state task force, it’s easy to assume that the effort will lead nowhere. The FIA opposes plastic bag bans because retailers end up paying more, but it supports bag fees, which save retailers money.
Paper or Plastic–Or Bring Your Own?
Single use plastic carryout bags cost retailers between 1 and 2 cents each. When they are banned, most shoppers opt for paper bags, which cost between 8 and 15 cents each. Obviously, it costs much more for store owners to give away paper bags than plastic. Double-bagging adds to these costs, and shoppers pay in higher grocery prices.
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Bag Fees
Retailers in Chicago responded to that city’s 2016 bag ban by substituting slightly thicker plastic bags that aren’t covered by the bag ban. These qualified as “reusable” under the law, and were given away for free–but they cost stores more than thin bags. This led to both higher costs for stores and more plastic waste. Thus the law didn’t accomplish its environmental goal, and it hurt businesses. In response, Chicago instituted a 7 cent tax (5 cents kept by the retailer) which eliminated the problem by inspiring shoppers to bring their own reusable bags.
金山云边缘计算助力爱奇艺,冲进30毫秒高速区-千龙网·中国 ...:2021-3-13 · 来源标题:金山云边缘计算助力爱奇艺,冲进30毫秒高速区 1. 爱奇艺在金山云部署边缘服务 边缘计算是近期较流行的技术概念,边缘计算其离不开 ...
New Paltz
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If you want people to bring reusable bags, Said says, you have to teach them young, or “maybe charge a fee.”
Local Action
With little prospect of action by New York State, localities need to act first. Marbletown’s proposed ban is one more step in this direction. Local retailers are concerned that even a small fee might drive shoppers elsewhere. That’s why Marbletown’s law has a built-in periodic review, which will make sure it accomplishes its intended environmental purpose while not harming businesses.
拥抱IPv6技术 通往下一伟网络- 产业资讯- 新闻频道:2021-12-20 · 简单来说就是在一个物理网络上模拟出多个逻辑网络来,常见的形式有VLAN、VPC、VPN 等。那么,在公有云环境下,虚拟网络迎来了哪些新的挑战? 首先,网络虚拟化需要具备多租户隔离的能力。最早的VLAN协议中的VID只有12个bit ,仅支持4094 ...